Released on February 24, 2025: Wifey 2015 YGreturnsP1
Hi Guys!
My favorite young Bull returns! A surprisingly buff and huge YoungGun came by last week after abstaining from cumming for 1 week. Needless to say hew as "hot to trot" and I knew he might be a littl quick on the trigger.
This was part 1- lots of making out and him sucking my huge tits and fingering me.
Ends with a HUGE oral cumshot (turn your sound up, you can hear his cum ropes shooting into my mouth!!)
After we got the first orgasm out of the way Hubby took off for his office and YG and I relaxed and had a glass of wine before heading to the bedroom for round 2: an "alone scene" where he fucks me and cums heavily again, this time in my unfaithful pussy!
Don't worry, Hub had cams setup so he could watch later when he got home..